Fee Exempt Vehicle Access Permits
Residents, landholders, visiting close relatives of residents, educational groups and workers who need to travel through the recreation area may qualify for a fee exemption.
Applicants must meet eligibility criteria. Please refer to the Fee exemptions for vehicle access permits on QPWS managed recreation areas operational policy for information on eligibility criteria requirements before applying.
Application for VAP fee exemption will result in further instructions being sent to the email address you provide on the final checkout screen.
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service will endeavour to review applications within 20 working days of receipt of a valid application.
NOTE: Providing false or misleading information for a permit application is an offence. The maximum penalty is 100 penalty units (from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 the maximum penalty for an individual is $16,130 and for a corporation is $80,650).